When it comes to transporting sensitive or delicate equipment and objects which can be easily damaged in the course of transit, nothing will protect them better than custom transit cases. Depending on your needs and what your are trying to transport, there are a wide variety of cases to choose from. This is good news,…

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Make a case… Get it? Well at least we amuse ourselves. Advanced Packaging, Inc has been in the industry long enough to have seen and heard some horror stories about shipping and transit gone awry due to some shipping containers that weren’t ideal solutions for the task at hand. At API, we take pride in…

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In an ever-evolving marketplace with continually developing products, protective packaging used to store and ship goods must make shifts in order to accommodate the changes and innovations products undergo. Countless industries make use of a myriad of cases in order to safeguard sensitive equipment, from government agencies to medical suppliers to military branches. Single lid…

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